Are Internal Links A Ranking Factor?

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What are Internal Links?

Internal links are clickable addresses that are located on the same domain as the link (source). As the name implies, an internal link takes users to another page on the same website.

What is an external link?

Hyperlinks that point at (target) a domain other than the one where the link is located are called "external links" (source). Search engine rankings are more influenced by external links than by internal connections because search engines perceive external links as third-party endorsements of a website.

Difference between Internal Link and External Link

Internal links are connections between pages on the same domain, from one to another. They could be applied to the page's content or the primary navigation menu. Alternative external links, often known as backlinks, point to a different domain. A page on your website may have links leading to other websites.

Why are Internal Links important?

They enable website navigation for users.

They assist in creating the informational framework of the website.

They support the distribution of ranking power, or link equity, among websites.

How many links are excessive?

It is unclear how many internal links on a website are excessive, despite Google's claim that they can crawl hundreds of links every page. Practically speaking, having many links doesn't always enhance user experience, and limiting the number of links per page to a reasonable number (often at or below 100) can help with SEO.

How do you locate opportunities for internal linking?

Finding pages on your website that rank for comparable themes and making sure they link with informative anchor text are two of the finest ways to uncover internal linking opportunities.

Best Practice For SEO

Internal links are the most effective technique to create a site's architecture and distribute link equity (URLs are also essential). The topic of building an SEO-friendly internal link-rich site design is covered in this section as a result. To list pages in their extensive keyword-based databases, search engines need to see information on each individual page. In order to locate all of the pages on a website, they also need to have access to a crawlable link structure—a structure that enables spiders to navigate a website's paths. Thousands of websites make the severe mistake of hiding or burying their key link navigation, rendering it inaccessible to search engines. This makes it more difficult for them to have their pages included in search engine indices.

To learn more about how Internal linking affects SEO, contact our experts at

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